Two Stories to Appear in Curvy & Confident Chicken Soup

My last entry was about how two of my stories had been short-listed for the upcoming Chicken Soup for the Soul: Curvy & Confident: 101 Stories about Loving Yourself and Your Body.

A few weeks after that I got a message saying they had made it to the final round.

A couple of weeks ago I got word that it was a done deal. They had both made the final cut and would be included in this edition!

Yes, I’m a little slow spreading the word here. I of course posted it on Facebook immediately. I’m finally proudly announcing it here too. (I’m aware that pride is sinful, but every once in a while it doesn’t hurt to indulge in a little sin.)

Besides, it took me this long to get curious about the cover. Maybe the Chicken Soup folks sent an email about it and I missed it.

But that’s what Amazon’s good for. They had it. As well as confirmation that the release date is December 27, 2016, but it’s now available for pre-sale!

My stories are “Thunder Thighs and All” and “A Blessing, Not a Curse.”

I’m VERY excited to see them in print. I’ve been tickled (and shocked) to see my other stories make it into their Chicken Soup collections, but learning to love my curves has been a challenge ever since I got them.

Which was in college. I was an overachiever and instead of the Freshman 15, I doubled that. Was never able to drop it and then added on more, even though I’ve tried and tried to lose.

But these two stories most poignantly reflect how I’ve come to appreciate that my curves don’t limit me, and in one case they even contributed to my healing when I had cancer.

So I’m bursting that I have anything in this collection at all, and am on cloud nine that both stories I dared to submit were accepted. Very excited to read the rest. It’ll be fun to spend time with my Curvy & Confident Sisterhood!