Fountain pen and candle

Recently I shared that I made it to the first phase selection of an upcoming Chicken Soup book Think Positive, Live Happy. Great news, right? Yes! I love seeing emails that validate someone else thought something I wrote might be worthy of publishing. However, while it’s a good sign, it’sContinue Reading

Apparently so. I track a few weird holidays and observances on Haunt Jaunts. I think they’re sort of fun. Plus, there are some crazy ones that might appeal to other macabre minds like mine. (Luckily typing that is easier than trying to say it.) So why not have a sectionContinue Reading

It’s an exciting day! My Friend Friday interview with Chicken Soup for the Soul’s editor-in-chief, Amy Newmark, is now live! You can listen to it here: I talk about my story, “Just Ask,” in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Step Outside Your Comfort Zone: 101 Stories about Trying New Things,Continue Reading