A couple months back I saw a post in one of my LinkedIn Groups from Elena Sonnino looking for people wanting to be a part of her “Why Do You Travel?” series. I responded and she sent me the details, which were basically as straightforward as that: write a short piece explaining why you travel. If you get a chance, I’d love to have you stop by and check it out: http://www.livedogrow.com/travel-to-cope-with-cancer/.
Cancer was the reason I began Haunt Jaunts, even though I’d been haunt jaunting long before I finally started the blog. But would it surprise you to know that even for all the travel I do, I never aspired to be a travel blogger or run a travel site? Or that travel used to scare me?
That’s what I wrote about in my post for Elena’s LiveDoGrow.com blog. To my surprise, Elena used some of the words from my post to create this really snazzy graphic. I love it!