She’s Got My Vote

Kamala Harris for President
Kamala Harris – Source: Kamala Harris for President Facebook Page

I’ve been watching Kamala Harris with interest ever since I saw her on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert a couple of weeks ago. (Which isn’t very long. I think it was January 10 or 11, 2019 she was on.)

I didn’t know much about her then except that she was a senator and a woman. Oh, and a Democrat. Which actually makes very little difference to me. Like I’ve written before, I may identify more with Democrats, but some things I agree with Republicans about too. Mostly I consider myself a Sensible.

Anyway, Kamala. Let’s get back to her.

Finally, a woman candidate I can get behind. She seems Sensible too.

What? I wasn’t a Hilary supporter? I voted for her simply because I knew what a shit show the other guy was…and has proved himself to be. There’s nothing presidential about that joker.

Yet, Hilary isn’t very presidential either. She was just the lesser of two evils.

What about Elizabeth Warren? She’s a woman running too.

Um, no. I’m all for a woman president, but the first woman president is going to set a major precedent. I can’t take Elizabeth Warren seriously either.

Plus, she’s like a lot of these other politicians: she’s just been around too long.

That’s not to say she’s old. This isn’t an agism thing. She’s just more career politician than she cares to admit –and is trying very hard not to portray. Too hard. She doesn’t come across as sincere.

Okay, but there’s also another woman running. What about Senator Kirsten Gillibrand? How do I feel about her?

I like her a smidge more than Warren, but she still doesn’t thrill me. I watched her the other day on Face the Nation. I wasn’t moved, nor was I impressed by her speaking style.

Not like how I am with Kamala Harris. She touches a nerve.

She’s the first woman politician since former Senator Elizabeth Dole that I’ve thought, “Huh. She’d rock it.”

Not that Elizabeth Dole ever ran for president. I always wished she’d had, though. I’m not sure she could’ve won, but I would’ve liked to see her try.

Even though I’m not behind any of the other women candidates, I am happy to see three officially throwing their hats into the race. That’s long overdue. We can thank Trump and his misogynistic ways –and hoards– for three women running too. Smart women see if we don’t stand and rise up against the hate, we’re just inviting a real life Handmaid’s Tale to happen.

Kamala’s got tough competition, and more Dems will surely be announcing their candidacies.

Making it harder, she’s also not taking money from corporate PACs. Money matters. It will be interesting to see if she can fund raise from the people to represent for the people.

I chipped in. Because I believe in putting my money where my mouth is. And that’s how much I believe in her.

If you want to learn more about Candidate Kamala or donate yourself, here’s the link to her site: