Kinzinger Cheney VP Picks

The “Democratic” VP Pick That would Destroy Trump/Vance

As part of my commitment to turning over a new leaf, I’ve tried to refrain from commenting on politics, mass shootings, etc the past year. Phew. That has not been easy. But I just remind myself of a saying a friend once told me, “Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has them, but it’s better when people keep both to themselves.”

It was particularly hard to refrain from commenting on the need for Biden to step down after his disastrous debate with Trump on June 27. Wayne and I didn’t even watch a full minute before our hearts started sinking. At five minutes in, we turned it off and said, “We’re done. Trump will win. Unless Biden backs out.”

We had no idea so many others would feel the same way, and neither of us thought it would actually happen. Which is why I thought a friend was trying to prank me at pickleball yesterday afternoon when they said that’s exactly what had happened: Biden had dropped out. He wasn’t seeking re-election.

I wanted to cry. I felt bad for Biden on the one hand. He stepped up in 2020 when the country needed him. He maybe hasn’t always done or said the right things in his storied career, but he’s always tried to make it right in the end. Yesterday was another example of that.

The Presidential Nominee Is One Thing

Now, the next phase begins in picking his replacement. Even before Biden’s official announcement, there were many assumptions and speculations. But now that it’s happened, the AP reported that “Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison had a message: There would be no automatic coronation for his replacement.”

“In the coming days, the party will undertake a transparent and orderly process to move forward.”

Vice President Kamala Harris is an obvious choice. California Governor Newsome has come up a lot, too. Same with Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, along with several others. Each would also make a great candidate for Vice President.

But that’s where the real gamesmanship comes in, and there’s one combo that would totally annihilate the Trump/Vance ticket.

The Out-of-the-Box “Democratic” VP Pick I’m Obsessed With

At first, I thought a Harris/Buttigieg ticket would be the best. Not only are they both extremely intelligent and well-spoken, but I can already see the Right Wingers freaking out about the possibility of such a “woke” White House. The amusement value in that alone is priceless.

And they might win. I’d love to see a debate between Trump and Harris and Buttigieg and Vance. (And am sort of sorry we won’t get to see a Harris/Vance debate. Vance is a good speaker, too, but I think Kamala would’ve cleaned his clock.)

But then another option occurred to me, and now I’m obsessed with it because it would annihilate Trump. Whether Harris becomes the Democratic Presidential nominee or it’s someone else, picking Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger as their Vice President would cinch a win. It accomplishes three crucial things:

  1. Shows unity. The Democrats would put their money where their mouths are by reaching across party lines this way and showing what America really stands for. (And what better middle finger to Trump and his ultra-MAGA pick with Vance than that?)
  2. It’s history-making. A mixed-party ticket hasn’t been done since Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. (I think. Or maybe no one has won since then?) I think there are enough true Republicans left who could see the potential in such a ticket and would be willing to vote for such a thing.
  3. Free publicity. Talk about headline-generating! Biden dropping out has already stolen Trump’s attempted assassination/VP pick thunder. He loves nothing more than being on everyone’s lips, but a Harris/Kinzinger or Cheney ticket would totally steal his show.

Another Worthy VP Option

The only other VP candidate that would also accomplish the task would be a celeb VP pick like Robert De Niro or George Clooney. It would also really aggravate Trump because above all he wants to be a celeb. But at the end of the day, he’s nothing more than a pseudo-celebrity. If it wasn’t for the invention of reality TV, his only claim to fame would be his wealth. He has no talent, except BS. One thing’s for sure, he can’t act. He can barely read a teleprompter.

But someone like De Niro or Clooney would rally the masses and cinch a win away from him. And hopefully restore balance to our tattered country.

At any rate, the election just took a hard left into more interesting territory and I’m here for it. What about you?


  1. It’s pretty exciting! Do you think you’ll volunteer for the Harris campaign? I’ve been thinking about ways I could, myself.

    1. Author

      I think we might volunteer! Even Wayne wants to!!!!

    2. Author

      For what it’s worth, here’s a list of volunteering opportunities that I got in an email from the Harris campaign today. It’s focused on 4 states. (Right now. Maybe it’ll add on/change as time goes on.) But lots are Zoom type thins where you can join no matter where you live.

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