I noticed something very exciting today: The Haunt Jaunts Guide to Halloween Hot Spots: The Spookiest Places to Enjoy Ghosts, Ghouls and Scares finally had a review on Amazon.com! Actually, it’s had the review since February 23, 2016, but I just now saw it today. I can’t even remember howContinue Reading

As I posted over on Haunt Jaunts, this was a big weekend for Shadow People and Cursed Objects: 13 Tales of Terror Based on True Stories…or are they?: It received its first reviews! I noticed Sunday there were finally some stars by the title. Not just “some” stars either. FiveContinue Reading

I was already over the moon to have my story, “Kitty Bites,” included in Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Very Good, Very Bad Cat: 101 Heartwarming Stories about Our Happy, Heroic & Hilarious Pets, but when I got my author copies I was surprised to see something else: royaltiesContinue Reading

Every time I hear of someone famous dying of cancer I’m reminded it doesn’t discriminate. Last week it was David Bowie. This week it’s Alan Rickman. Curiously, both died at the age of 69. I’ll comment on that in a second, but first… Both knew fame and fortune. Neither wasContinue Reading