2014 marks a big year for me. Or, at least, I hoped it would mark a significant milestone. I had my yearly CT scan on January 17, 2014. I had my six month oncology check up on January 21, 2014. The results of my CT scan and blood work wereContinue Reading

Several weeks back my friend Alice Sullivan shared a post with me she wrote called 30 Things About Me. She wrote it when her friend, Alece Ronzino, posted an article called 100 Things About Me and asked others to do the same. Alice was pressed for time so she decidedContinue Reading

A couple months back I saw a post in one of my LinkedIn Groups from Elena Sonnino looking for people wanting to be a part of her “Why Do You Travel?” series. I responded and she sent me the details, which were basically as straightforward as that: write a shortContinue Reading

I’m super excited to announce that on Monday June 24, 2013 I will be one of the guests on The John Tobin Show. The show starts at 7 p.m. EST/6 p.m. CST. You can listen in at A1B ~ All1Broadcast. John, along with his co-host Chip, also have another show:Continue Reading

Hi there! Thanks so much for stopping by. I’ve sort of fallen off the fiction-writing wagon for the past several years. I’m currently trying to climb back aboard. Part of the trouble is I have so many book ideas, and so many of them started, that I flit from oneContinue Reading