What came to mind when you read the title of this post? Did you wonder where I’d been? Did you wonder why there’s a question mark on the end of the sentence instead of an exclamation point or no punctuation at all? I didn’t go anywhere. Physically. Well, in theContinue Reading

Around the Team Pryor household September is celebration month, because… Wayne’s birthday is on September 7 A week later on the 14th is my birthday Our wedding anniversary is 2 days after that on the 16th My dad’s birthday is the 20th Murphy’s adoptiversary was Sept 23 But this yearContinue Reading

Every time I hear of someone famous dying of cancer I’m reminded it doesn’t discriminate. Last week it was David Bowie. This week it’s Alan Rickman. Curiously, both died at the age of 69. I’ll comment on that in a second, but first… Both knew fame and fortune. Neither wasContinue Reading

Like the rest of the country, I’m stunned there’s been another mass shooting. This time in San Bernardino. I’m so not pro-gun. However, my new theory is fuck gun laws all together. All screenings should be thrown out entirely. Let whoever wants to have a gun, have one. Bring backContinue Reading

Yesterday afternoon I watched a local news report about how September is Hunger Action Month. The reporter spoke about how hunger has always been around and we’re not likely to get rid of it. Although there are ways to minimize it. He went on to explain by way of anContinue Reading