Grimacing boy in car seat

I think there’s a reason I never had kids. Besides the fact I never tried to get pregnant. If it was meant to be, I firmly believe the universe would’ve conspired in ways to make it happen. But they didn’t. So here I am, child free, and once again shakingContinue Reading

Active vs passive sign post

I have this mediation app on my phone, Meditation Studio, that I love. I got it free for a year through my Starbucks app a few years back. Even now it amazes me how it can calm, center, and ground me –all from an app! I haven’t been doing yogaContinue Reading

UK Stamp of a woman looking out a broken window with a Votes for Women sign underneath

Tonight on the news I heard that today, June 4th, marks the 100th anniversary of Congress passing the 19th Amendment. The reporter said something about someone doing something to honor the suffragettes who raised their voices and fought for the right for women to vote. I don’t know if itContinue Reading

I wrote a little about my friend Scott in “If Your Obit and/or Headstone Had a Hashtag, What Would It Be?“. Or, I mentioned him at least. The fact that I haven’t been able to write about his death. But it’s been weighing on my mind. I want to acknowledgeContinue Reading