Come on “Happy Cells”
Will “Happy Cells Are Healthy Cells” be lucky number 7 for the Big 10?
Will “Happy Cells Are Healthy Cells” be lucky number 7 for the Big 10?
Apparently so. I track a few weird holidays and observances on Haunt Jaunts. I think they’re sort of fun. Plus, there are some crazy ones that might appeal to other macabre minds like mine. (Luckily typing that is easier than trying to say it.) So why not have a sectionContinue Reading
A few years ago I used to run Caption This contests on Haunt Jaunts. The other day I got an email from a man who used to frequently enter…and win. At least in theory. He lived in Australia and never wanted the prizes. He was happy just knowing I gotContinue Reading
Good grief, I’m slacking major. On top of taking three weeks to post my good news, I have been meaning to post (and update my Appearances page) with appearances I actually have! Well, I call them “appearances,” because they sort of are. They’re not in-person-have-to-go-out-somewhere appearances, but they’re appearances allContinue Reading
For years, I have been working on a book I had originally titled “Shadyside.” A lot of years in fact. Over a decade probably. It’s come together quickly at times, and then I’ve hit snags where it sidelined my creativity (and, worse, enthusiasm) for years. Then I’d have an ideaContinue Reading
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