My gut told me something was wrong last night. Harold wasn’t coming in when I called. Even if he’s not ready to come in, he usually at least lets me know he’s heard me by making himself visible. Tigger came in. But then he wanted back out. Then he wasContinue Reading

I was already over the moon to have my story, “Kitty Bites,” included in Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Very Good, Very Bad Cat: 101 Heartwarming Stories about Our Happy, Heroic & Hilarious Pets, but when I got my author copies I was surprised to see something else: royaltiesContinue Reading

Note: I needed to just write. Very little editing. Stream of consciousness. Just getting my memories out. Please excuse all the typos and grammatical errors I’m sure are rife within this piece. Today I got to go “pick up” Mr. Meow’s remains. One week ago, on Wednesday January 21, 2015,Continue Reading