#MeToo: If This Doesn’t Appall You, Shame on You

I was scrolling my phone’s trending news feed this morning and a headline from Politico caught my eye: “The White House’s nickname for President Trump.”

This should be interesting, I thought.

I have no idea what the nickname is because it turns out it was to promote what was talked about in a Nerdcast podcast.

But I scrolled down to see if maybe there was a summary of it. That’s when I was stopped by some info they apparently referenced in the podcast.

I had to take a screenshot (posted above) because I was appalled.

It references this story: For female Republicans, party loyalty trumps #MeToo.

#MeToo is not partisan.

It’s not political.

It’s a cry for women to be heard, because their voices have been continually silenced, but especially when it comes to sexual assault and harassment.

“Just shut up and take it.”


And if you’re a woman who supports this? Shame on you.

Us women technically outnumber men. Yet they purposely divide us with idiocy like this…and we let them.

We could rule the world, and let’s face it, better than they do.

But this is how they’ll make sure that never happens.

Unless we wake up and start realizing that our voices (a) deserve to be heard, and (b) together we’re stronger, fierce, and could actually make this world a better place.