Right wing racist militia member

Why Trump’s Support of White Supremacists Taints All Republicans

Republicans should be furious that Trump is not denouncing White Supremacist groups. Especially if they really aren’t racist and want to have a leg to stand on when they deny such accusations.

But I don’t see any criticizing or even encouraging Trump to do the right thing and say, “You know what? White supremacists are bad. Our country is a melting pot where everyone, regardless of the color of their skin, is equal.”

They’re not saying that and he sure isn’t. Why?

Well, they don’t want to break ranks for one thing. Trump especially doesn’t. That’s his base. If he alienates them who’s left? (Not the Left. Get it? Hardy har har.)

Two, they clearly feel the same way Trump does.

Three, which means they really are racists.

Many like to deny that last one and have recently even found new ways to spin the issue of racism that somehow it’s a contrived issue on the Democrats’ part, but the facts are the facts, Jack.

Republicans are racist, misogynistic, hypocrites. They’re ruthless and will do whatever it takes to get their way.

Or, to use Trump’s own words about immigrants crossing the border but substituting Republicans for Mexicans:

“When Republicans sends its people, they’re not sending their best… They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

adapted from Donald J. Trump’s own words

But you wouldn’t know any of them are good based on how they’re acting and staying silent. Supposedly they’re so concerned about the country going to hell, but they don’t realize they’re part of the problem.

Anyone who isn’t willing to talk with the other side, to try and understand a different point of view, and to work to find common ground and compromise on achieving those goals is part of the problem.

There needs to be less us vs. them and more of a realization that we are the United States of America. We all share this country. Its fabric is made up of Democrats, Republicans, conservatives and liberals.

Neither side is right or wrong all the time. In fact, we share more in common most times than we realize. If we could find a way to look past the labels and realize our own countrymen and women are not the enemies, we could make this country even better than anything it’s ever been before.

But, no, White Supremacy is not part of that equation. Neither would be Black, Brown, Yellow or Pink Supremacy. No skin color is more deserving than another. Especially not orange.