male hand with scissors cuts word Equality from Inequality on a chalkboard

Why It’s Not Right to Condemn Marjorie Taylor Greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene has become the poster child for crazy conspiracy theorists who have made their way into Congress. And rightly so. She proudly owns every kookie theory she believes.

Well, I should clarify. She’s crazy to me and even some bold and brave enough in her own party to speak up against her. Like Mitch McConnell recently did, saying that her “loony lies and conspiracy theories are cancer for the Republican Party and our country.”

However, CNN pointed out that McConnel didn’t speak out against her back during her election campaign in 2020. He was happy to see her win then. Another Republican on the team!

He waited until now because this is his chance to make a power play and force another of his colleagues’ hands,  House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

He needs McCarthy to decide which side of the Republican fence he’s actually on: does he want to help salvage the party, or does he want to aid and abet those like Greene in their hijacking of it? Is McCarthy willing to face trying to clean up an even more disastrous runaway crazy train situation? One that threatens to derail the Republican party right off its tracks. A mess that surely will take years, if not decades to clean up. That’s something ol’ Mitch doesn’t have on his side: time.

Who knows what McCarthy will do and how he’ll “discipline” her.

I’m not even sure he should. She represents a portion of the population who believe lasers from space cause wildfires, 9/11 didn’t happen, and the school shootings at Sandy Hook and Parkland were false flag events perpetrated by a left-wing anti-gun agenda.

Lunatic delusions, yes, but even crazy people have a right to representation.

As far as I know, her constituents aren’t the ones asking anyone to take her to task. And those are really the only people it should be up to. If that’s who they want representing them –and clearly it is because that’s who they voted for– that’s their right.

If they don’t like it or they feel misrepresented, duped or embarrassed that she’s the yardstick they’re measured by, it’ll be up to them to condemn, or approve of, her by either re-electing her in two years or not.

Note: I am totally not in support of Ms. Greene or her wacky ideologies. QAnon is for paranoid, uneducated, angry sheep.

I am, however, in support of a representative America. That doesn’t just mean black, white, Latino, Asian, Muslim, Christian, Jews, atheists, women, men, transgender, old, young, straight, gay, and everything else in between. It even includes the nut jobs.