Thumbs down crazy Republican

Mass Shootings Prove Republicans Are Insane Abortionists

I guess labeling all Republicans insane, hypocritical (because let’s not forget that one too) abortionists is generalizing it. Gun rights advocates are insane abortionists. But let’s face it. That’s predominantly the Republican party, and most of their platforms are hypocritical so if the shoes fits…

“Wait, what? Republicans oppose abortion, Courtney,” you may be saying.

Yes. They do. They’re positively gleeful about overturning a woman’s right to choose what to do with her body because they claim they’re saving babies.

But what about the babies that have been aborted at Columbine, Sandy Hook Elementary, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, and now Robb Elementary School?

Guns Abort Lives

Because that’s what guns do. They abort lives. That’s what Republicans want them for. Protection. To kill, if need be. To abort a life. Which is an odd, hypocritical position for an allegedly Pro-Life party.

And, yes, some want guns for hunting. (Animals. Presumably.) Although you rarely hear them shouting, “Just let me hunt in peace!”

Which, for the record, I’m all for gun ownership. It is one of our Constitutional rights as Americans.

But no citizen needs an assault-style weapon that was designed and meant for law enforcement and the military. If you’re using your gun correctly, one bullet will do the trick when it comes time to protect yourself. You don’t need an AR-style weapon and they should be banned for public consumption. Period.

There should also not only be background checks but required certified training for gun owners. And once you get that certification, you should be allowed to carry. Open carry even.

It seems like common sense measures, but there’s the rub. Common sense is not so common. Especially in the Republican party, which is more and more ruled by insanity.

A Deadly 10 Days

May 14, 2022 – Tops Supermarket, Buffalo, NY: 10 people murdered, 3 wounded

May 15, 2022 – Geneva Presbyterian Church, Laguna Woods, CA: 1 murdered, 5 wounded

May 24, 2022 – Robb Elementary School, Uvalde, TX: 21 murdered, 17 wounded

That’s just a small slice of what’s become the American “norm.”

No other developed country subjects itself or its citizens to this kind trauma. Only the United States does.

Not that mass shootings haven’t happened elsewhere. They have. As the New York Times so brilliantly summed it up: “Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Norway: All had a culture of gun ownership, and all tightened restrictions anyway. Their violence statistics now diverge sharply from those of the U.S.”

But here we keep letting it happen, which is the definition of insanity.


A lot of people, myself included, attribute the quote, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results,” to Albert Einstein.

However, that’s a misattribution. Einstein never said it.

According to Business Insider, credit for the quote should go to author Rita Mae Brown whose character used it in the book Sudden Death.

We keep doing the same thing (nothing) and expecting a different result.

Well, actually there has been a little difference in the results, an increase in mass shootings, which are preventable. Not 100%, no. If someone is bound and determined enough to do something, they’ll find a way.

But seriously. Making it easy to kill en masse by doing absolutely nothing to prevent it with something as easy as banning AR weapons? That’s totally insane.

But rather than take action and fix it, Republicans would rather argue other points.

The Arguments

More guns and political agendas

Ted Cruz admits there are “way too many of these horrific mass murders.”

As the New York Times quoted him as saying: “But as sure as night follows day, you can bet there are going to be Democrat politicians looking to advance their own political agenda, rather than to work to stop this kind of horrific violence and to keep everyone safe.”

Cruz hits two favorite right-wing talking points when it comes to guns: Dems just want to try and gain political advantage and they’re not concentrating on stopping gun violence.

Well, if preventing senseless heartbreak and violence is an advantage, then yeah. I guess Dems are guilty as charged. Especially because Republicans certainly aren’t doing anything to thwart the violence.

Oh, wait. Cruz has made a suggestion that would benefit gun manufacturers —er, make a difference. The best way to keep everyone safe is to arm teachers and “narrowly target the criminals who try to purchase firearms illegally.”

There’s a lot wrong with that, and the gunman in Uvalde is a perfect example: he didn’t have a criminal record and purchased two AR-style rifles legally.

Clearly more guns are not the answer. Even the Bible says so, which any true Christian should know. It’s right there in St. Matthew 26:52:

Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again they sword inot his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.

Basically, violence begets violence. Jesus is right.

Mental health

Another favorite Republican talking point to try and defer the subject away from guns and on to something else is mental health. As NBC News reported, Governor Abbott called the Texas mass shooting in Uvalde a mental health issue —even though he cut state spending for mental healthcare.

So if they’re not willing to implement better gun laws or spend money on mental healthcare, this issue gets solved how?

Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting. More guns. Or magically through spiritual means.


“We should all be praying for the victims and their families now. Not making this a political issue,” is a favorite admonishment from the Don’t Tread On Me crowd when mass shootings happen and everyone’s up in arms (pun intended) about passing gun control legislation again.

Okay, much like refusing to address the issue and not passing the laws in any of the other thousands of incidents, when is the right time?

And what good do prayers do after the fact? If you’re going to pray, pray this shit doesn’t happen again. Because a prayer is all there is preventing it since Republicans are refusing to take any real action.


Lincoln pointing finger

But are Republicans entirely to blame for the fact that mass shootings keep happening? No. Democrats are too.

But it goes beyond party lines.

Every single American is to blame for continuing to let mass shootings of “soft targets” happen again and again and again. Because we’re not demanding more from our elected officials.

And just a little sidebar: “Soft targets.” God, that term grates my nerves. They’re neither soft nor targets. They’re just people who were going about their daily lives, never expecting this could be the day some coward who has access to military-level weapons is going to come kill them.

The Solution?

So maybe that’s the answer. We all become hard. We all become armed. We all just start packing heat expecting today could be the day someone decides he (because it’s always a man) wants to make his mark and try to kill as many people as possible.

Rather than just arming teachers or security guards, why not make guns requisite school supplies while we’re at it? Can you just imagine an elementary school full of children who suddenly whip out guns from their desks and start firing back?

I’m willing to bet shooters who purposely pick innocent, unarmed school children, concertgoers, churchgoers, and shoppers, etc. to unleash their rampages on would reconsider. Because if they actually had to engage in combat? They couldn’t do it.

Or maybe the Bible holds the solution for this too? As Job 34:30 says: “That the hypocrite reign not, lest the people be ensnared.”

Politicians unwilling to make changes have been ensnared by the NRA and other special interest groups and have thereby ensnared their constituents. They’re not fit to lead and need to be voted out.

But will any change happen? Will this finally be the time frustration reaches a boiling point?

We’ll see, but I’m not holding my breath.