Grimacing boy in car seat

I think there’s a reason I never had kids. Besides the fact I never tried to get pregnant. If it was meant to be, I firmly believe the universe would’ve conspired in ways to make it happen. But they didn’t. So here I am, child free, and once again shakingContinue Reading

Active vs passive sign post

I have this mediation app on my phone, Meditation Studio, that I love. I got it free for a year through my Starbucks app a few years back. Even now it amazes me how it can calm, center, and ground me –all from an app! I haven’t been doing yogaContinue Reading

Fountain pen and candle

Recently I shared that I made it to the first phase selection of an upcoming Chicken Soup book Think Positive, Live Happy. Great news, right? Yes! I love seeing emails that validate someone else thought something I wrote might be worthy of publishing. However, while it’s a good sign, it’sContinue Reading