The Case of the Mysterious Optimism Mug

Who sent this?

Several years ago –I don’t even know how many it’s been exactly now, but at least two or three– this fun mug with the suggestion to “Practice Reckless Optimism” showed up in my mail. I don’t even remember if it was around my birthday or Christmas. It was around some gift-giving time though. (Or I guess, gift receiving time.)

Was it my friend Chris V.? Jade Walker? My Arizona BFF Tracie? My new (at that time) friend Sheila?

My memory is failing me, but those were the first suspects to pop to mind. I could see any of them sending it to me.

I don’t remember if I ever heard back from Jade, but everyone else said they hadn’t sent it.

So then who had?

For months it sat unused in my cupboard. I use mugs almost every day for either coffee or tea –many days both. (Especially in winter.)

Sadly, I have so many mugs –including three go-to favorites that are just about all I use.

One day I decided it was time to pack up a bunch of my unused mugs and take them to the Goodwill where hopefully they’d find homes that could get better use out of them.

That’s when I re-discovered the mysterious optimism mug. I couldn’t part with it, but I also knew it wasn’t going to get used for drinking if it stayed in my cupboard.

But I put it back for a bit –until a cleaning jag of my makeup drawer. I actually don’t have that much makeup, although in my later years I have gotten more into it than I ever was when I was younger.

I had amassed a small collection of brushes and eyeliners though. (Most were courtesy of my friend Sheila.) They were taking up awkward space in my drawer. Wasn’t there a better way to store them where I’d see them more easily and wouldn’t have to dig through stuff to find them?

That’s when it dawned on me: the mug! Perfect storage vessel! Plus, then I’d see that fun message every single day to remind me to keep a sunny outlook.

So, that’s where it’s been ever since. And I love it. Not only because it does make finding the brush I want or an eyeliner so much easier, but I absolutely love the message and the way it’s phrased. Be reckless. Be optimistic. Practice makes perfect.

I just wish I could solve the mystery of who gifted it to me so I could let them know how much I appreciate it.

If you happen to read this and it’s you: Thank you from the bottom of my recklessly optimistic heart!


  1. Possibly? It seems like something I would send 🙂

    1. Author

      In my heart I’ve always felt like it was you!!! If no one else steps forward I’m gonna officially attribute it to you!

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