I know stress increases blood sugar, but I’m also starting to think social media does too. I say this because my blood sugar had been high for months. No matter how strict I was about limiting my carbs, or how diligent I was about exercising and getting enough sleep, nothingContinue Reading

It’s been pretty shitty around here. Pardon my language. I don’t normally cuss. Not that I think anything’s wrong with that. Mostly I prefer to come up with funny ways of swearing though. It challenges my creativity. But the last couple of days I haven’t been feeling very creative orContinue Reading

On this date ten years ago, I was in the hospital awaiting the results of my biopsy, which I’d had…I don’t remember when. The day after I’d been admitted? (Which had been December 28, 2008.) Two days after? It’s not important. What is is that before noon, the oncologist, Dr.Continue Reading