On September 16, 2015, my husband, Wayne, and I will celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. It’s significant because let’s face it. 20 years of marriage is a hard number to come by in our day and age. I feel very fortunate to actually have almost 30 years total with Wayne,Continue Reading

Last week at this time the local weather people said we had a chance of flurries for the next day. I had a tennis match at 9:30 a.m. last Tuesday. Sure enough, woke up to light flurries. After our match, my tennis partner, Susan, and I decided to go outContinue Reading

2014 marks a big year for me. Or, at least, I hoped it would mark a significant milestone. I had my yearly CT scan on January 17, 2014. I had my six month oncology check up on January 21, 2014. The results of my CT scan and blood work wereContinue Reading