Like the rest of the country, I’m stunned there’s been another mass shooting. This time in San Bernardino. I’m so not pro-gun. However, my new theory is fuck gun laws all together. All screenings should be thrown out entirely. Let whoever wants to have a gun, have one. Bring backContinue Reading

Yesterday afternoon I watched a local news report about how September is Hunger Action Month. The reporter spoke about how hunger has always been around and we’re not likely to get rid of it. Although there are ways to minimize it. He went on to explain by way of anContinue Reading

Have you been following the refugee crisis in Europe at all? I have. For some reason I’m as fascinated by it as I am repulsed. What got to me yesterday was the image they showed of a small boy’s dead body washed up on shore after the boat he’d beenContinue Reading

Vacation does a body wonders doesn’t it? The recent one we took was a whirlwind. It was one of the busiest cruises we’ve ever been on. In a port just about every day. Up early. Rushing off the ship to start a full day of sightseeing. Get back on boardContinue Reading

On September 16, 2015, my husband, Wayne, and I will celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. It’s significant because let’s face it. 20 years of marriage is a hard number to come by in our day and age. I feel very fortunate to actually have almost 30 years total with Wayne,Continue Reading