Did you know there are a lot of naked days? Meaning, days celebrating nakedness and naked activities. How do I know this? Am I about to reveal I’m a nudist? Um, no. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Some people feel freer without clothes. I happen to enjoy them.Continue Reading

In “His First Memorial Day in Fort Logan,” I alluded to the fact that my relationship with my dad had grown a bit complicated in the later years. I still loved him very much, but it was hard for me to be around him. Why? Don’t know. That’s something I’mContinue Reading

Selfie filters. Every once in a while I like to mess around with them. Or should I say my inner 13-year-old girl takes over and enjoys messing around with them. The other day I (she) found some fun ones to goof with on Photo Lab. Including a mask and curlersContinue Reading