Last week I was going through my Google Alerts looking for links to share on the socials for Haunt Jaunts and A Haunt Mess like I do when I came across one for 1428 Elm, a FanSided company. It wasn’t the first time I was sharing something of theirs. TheyContinue Reading

In late September of 2019 I came off the tennis court, sat down, went to swing my left leg out and…ouch. What was that pain? I’ve had wonky knees for years. Since my early teens. Arthritis. First felt it when I was 14 during my figure skating years. What wouldContinue Reading

Fountain pen and candle

Recently I shared that I made it to the first phase selection of an upcoming Chicken Soup book Think Positive, Live Happy. Great news, right? Yes! I love seeing emails that validate someone else thought something I wrote might be worthy of publishing. However, while it’s a good sign, it’sContinue Reading