Good grief, I’m slacking major. On top of taking three weeks to post my good news, I have been meaning to post (and update my Appearances page) with appearances I actually have! Well, I call them “appearances,” because they sort of are. They’re not in-person-have-to-go-out-somewhere appearances, but they’re appearances allContinue Reading

Someone’s always trying to sell you something, aren’t they? Even me. In addition to my books, I’ve got affiliate marketing links all over my blogs. It’s subtle, but there it is. A sales job. At least I’m open about it. I always try to be. I don’t like when peopleContinue Reading

Vacation does a body wonders doesn’t it? The recent one we took was a whirlwind. It was one of the busiest cruises we’ve ever been on. In a port just about every day. Up early. Rushing off the ship to start a full day of sightseeing. Get back on boardContinue Reading