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Read the Fine Print: Trump’s a Con Man

While I’m relieved Joe Biden won, I’m shocked how many people still voted for Trump. Who I will not be referring to as president, because he’s made it perfectly clear he’s not my president. He only represents part of America, specifically Republicans.

Not that anything is wrong with that party, but they aren’t exclusively America. And, yes, while I do lean left, I actually consider myself to land somewhere in the middle as a Sensible.

I like the term that came out of this election by those who would like to see the United States united again and blues and reds working together in a “purple” union. I’ve often said if I created a new party, I’d call it Sensible, but now I know what the party’s color would be: purple.

But since I have no ambitions to do anything like that, I’ll get back to my point in this post: Trump is a con man and anyone who supports him, especially financially, is a chump.

He knows which buttons to press to stir people up, especially angry, uneducated ones who aren’t smart enough to dissect the conspiracy theories he proposes and see them for the dangerous nonsense they are. Or the farces they are.

Because he knows they won’t take the time to read the fine print. Which he’s banking on. Literally.

Especially when it comes to his so-called “election defense fund.”

The guy is broke. The reason he hasn’t released his taxes is he (a) he hasn’t paid any, and (b) it’ll show he’s not the art of the deal master he purports to be. Unless that deal is a con. He is a master of that.

As Reuters put it after analyzing the Election Defense Fund’s fine print: “…most of the money will go to other priorities.”

They further broke it down like this, all points which are directly copy and pasted from the article:

  1. A large portion of the money goes to “Save America,” a Trump leadership PAC, or political action committee, set up on Monday, and the Republican National Committee (RNC). 
  2. Leadership PACs such as Save America are often set up by prominent political figures to spend money on other candidates, while also paying for personal expenses, such as travel and hotel stays.
  3. None of the money flows to Trump’s official “recount” committee fund until Trump’s Save America share reaches the legal contribution limit of $5,000, according to the disclosures.
  4. If a Trump donor gave $500, for instance, $300 would go to Trump’s Save America PAC, $200 would to the RNC – and nothing would go to his election defense fund.

That’s why when reporters, or the “fake news media” as many Trump Kool-Aid drinkers now believe them to be, say Trump is not conceding because he’s fundraising, they’re actually hitting that nail square on the head.

It’s right there in the fine print, for anybody to take the time to see…if they’re smart enough to, that is.

No true patriot would act like this. Trump is once again showing his true colors, and they’re not red, white and blue, and certainly not purple. It’s whatever color dictators like Putin and Hitler prefer, which seems to only be red.

Fitting, seeing as how when you dig deep enough into the con man’s finances, you see they’re in the red by what Forbes estimates is at least $1 billion.

And ironically, you know how he likes to rile his crowds up by chanting “lock her up,” or “him,” depending on the person? He, himself, may face that real fate once he can’t hide behind the title of the President of the United States anymore. It’ll be interesting to see if his dirty deeds finally catch up with him.

At least over half of Americans wised-up this election and saw him for the fraud and dangerous anti-U.S. provocateur he is. That’s a start. The clank of jail bars and an orange jumpsuit to complement his orange complexion would be just that much more satisfying though.