Doing Yoda

Image by ktontour07 from Pixabay 

I bet real editors have some great stories about writing typos. Once in a while on Haunt Jaunts I get to wear an editor’s hat. Which I am currently for the Haunted Playthings anthology I’m putting together.

But sometimes I also publish guest posts. That’s where the idea for this post –and title– stems from.

So if you’re disappointed this is not going to be some racy Star Wars post about me and a kinky Yoda fantasy, my apologies. It’s not. You can stop reading here and get on to other things –or off as the case might be. (In case a Google search of “Star Wars sex” or something is what brought you here.)

Anyway, auto correct blunders in general never fail to amuse me. My phone has given me some doozies. In fact, I keep a log of them. I’m going to compile them all in a short humor book.

Hmm, maybe that’s what I’ll release for next April Fool’s? I’ve got a bunch at this point. Might be time to finally do something with them…

But let me stop getting distracted with yet another project I want to do and let me get back on track with this post.

I recently received a guest post from someone who included this in their bio, “…enjoys traveling, doing yoda, and writing columns for blogs.”

The “doing yoda” jumped out at me. I’m certain the writer meant “yoga,” but the visual of Yoda getting some was just too much for me. Or, rather, my muse. Fodder like that makes for quick and easy writing.

Hopefully it also made for quick and easy –and amusing– reading! If so, you’re welcome! Whoop!


  1. I never thought of keeping a running tally of my autocorrect mistakes. A short little story but it made me laugh. And of course I don’t mean a computer digital laugh such as a LOL. But a true human laugh from the deep recesses of my belly.

    1. Author

      I can’t believe I am just now replying to this. I remember when you told me you had commented on the post too. I meant to reply then. Got distracted clearly because here I am weeks later. I LOVE knowing this made you LOL!!!

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