New Fave Game: Select a Wireless Network Snooping

My new favorite pastime is snooping available WiFi network’s when I’m out of range of mine.

I discovered how amusing this could be on a trip to Boston this summer.

I have an iPhone so I’m not sure if other phones do it, but every time I looked at my phone, boom! There was a pesky pop-up asking if I’d like to join a nearby network.

It wasn’t like it hadn’t happened before. Whenever it happened, I’d just quickly dismiss it by hitting “Cancel.”

But I can tell you exactly where I was when all that changed and I started paying attention for the mere entertainment value.

Boston Commons in Boston, Massachusetts.

We were taking a break in the shade watching the Swan Boats when it happened…

I took a screen shot of the pop-up that became a game changer.


This screenshot has been rated X –by me.

It’s pretty racy and likely will offend some. So apologies in advance if you find this more disgusting than amusing.


This is the moment I realized I’m not having enough fun in life.

The next time a network pop-up appeared that trip, I paid attention.

Here’s a couple others I took screen shots of:

A two-fer! Retirement life and Dark_Magic
Retirement life again, joined by a couple others that are tame –except for Kyle’s Big Canon. Even with technology, boys will be boys! (It’d be funny if this turned out to belong to a girl, though.)

The Quest

None have been as “good” as that first one, though. Yet.

And I say “good” because even though it’s vulgar, inappropriate and crazy, it’s got personality and guts. But even more than that, it’s got originality.

So now this is all part of the scavenger hunt game. It set the benchmark. Now I’m on a quest to find one that raises it.

What’s in a Name?

I never thought to rename my network at home. It was just whatever it was when AT&T set it up. That changed when we got home (but to something tame).

My phone has a Hotspot but I have no idea if or how you can rename them.

But let me tell you, if I figure out I can? I will. As soon as I think of a funny enough name.

I’d love to make it something outrageous, but just something out-of-the-ordinary would suffice. Like one of my nicknames. Right now it’s a toss up between Boom Boom Morocco or Mrochstar.

Boom Boom

Not that anyone else would be allowed on it. It’s locked.

But if the name alone could either make someone scratch their head, think, or give them a chuckle? I’m all for that. Any of that.

I’d love to know what people would think if they saw Boom Boom Morocco pop up. Would they think it’s a burlesque entertainer’s name or a wrestler’s?


Most people wouldn’t understand “Mrochstar.”

My last name is pronounced Mer-ROCK.” I realized when listening to what is now my favorite P!nk song, “So what,” that one of the lyrics sort of says my name if you sing it just right:

So, so what? 
I’m still a rock star 
I got my rock moves  – (MROCH!)

Boom Boom Morocco the wannabe Mrochstar –if only I could sing…


Does your network have a catchy personalized name? If not, what would you name it?

And have you ever noticed any crazy named networks pop up on your phone?


  1. Very interesting name for a wi fi
    Now as for me well I went old school tactics. If you perchance come across my wifi. You would think maybe I shouldn’t try hooking into this one. Simply because mine is named “Pasco County sheriff’s crime unit 2”.
    So I’m sure my wonderful, joyous neighbor, the small time drug dealer has had a scare or two seeing that .

    1. Author

      ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Omg…clearly I’m living a sheltered life in a bubble. This is a freaking RIOT!!!!!!!!

  2. We always use fun Wi-Fi names: NSA Eyes, Hamunaptra, Wong’s Scottish Meat Pies.

    1. Author

      Oh Jade…this just makes me admire you and love that amazingly witty brain of yours all the more. So I really feel like I’ve missed out since everyone else seems to know about these funny names to name networks! Didn’t get that memo. Well, late I did. But this is GREAT! I think the Wong’s is my favorite! I’d totally be looking for that restaurant to try and then be sad not to find it! LOL

      1. It’s actually a fictional place, created by Stuart McLean for the Vinyl Cafe. So you’d be hard pressed to find it 🙂

        1. Author

          Okay so I didn’t think it was a real place but I did think YOU came up with it! Leave it to you to have based it off of something. Just when I didn’t think your coolness factor could rise any higher…

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