The fallacy of blaming Antifa for the riot at the U.S. Capitol

Trump Republicans are now trying to save their asses by blaming the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Antifa.

Just like their accusations that the election was rigged and stolen from them, these claims are baseless and unsubstantiated too.

Antifa didn’t do it. The President did. Along with Giuliani and anybody else who spoke on that Stop the Steal stage on January 6.

But mostly it was Trump and his inflammatory words. That crowd wasn’t there to see or support anyone but him. It was after he spoke and riled them up into a frenzy that they marched to, and attacked, the U.S. Capitol.

So how the hell is Antifa responsible?

“Because they made us do it! They infiltrated the crowd!”


That just goes to prove several things:

  1. Trump Republicans have no clue what Antifa is or looks like. They knew reporters when they saw them. Police too. So why not Antifa?
  2. They thought Trump was leading the way to the Capitol. That’s who they were following. (He wasn’t even there. He’d gone back to the White House.)
  3. So what they’re saying is they’re baa baa black sheep followers who can’t think for themselves and just follow along with whatever’s going on and don’t question what’s happening.

What a joke. No one’s who’s been busted yet has been proven to be Antifa, but of those caught on camera invading the Capitol, especially those leading the way, who were there?

Oh yeah. They were the QAnon, right wing, Trump supporting nut jobs.

Good try, but your Antifa argument has about as many holes in it as strainer, which is why it doesn’t hold water.


  1. The most interesting feature of Trump’s rhetoric has always his complete lack of concern with anything like a credible case for his claims. Those pretending this was due to Antifa have learned a lot from him. More is the pity!

    1. Author

      You raise such an excellent point. They definitely learned a thing or two from Trump, including how to pass the buck and shrug responsibility by spinning the blame elsewhere. Thanks for the comment!

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