Was she wrong to fall for a cheating ghost graphic

Why You Should Never Fear a Ghost Following You Home

Today I shared a thread on Haunts Jaunts’ Twitter that I then also shared as a post on HJ’s Facebook page. It basically explains why you should never fear a ghost following you home.

Here’s the first part of the Twitter thread:

The easier to read version may be via Facebook though, so here’s that:

But just so all bases are covered, here’s the full post, which turned out to be a great creative exercise on this first day of April!

The Cheating Ghost Saga

What was she supposed to do? It had followed her home after she’d visited a haunted house. After all, ghosts are a bit like cats. You don’t choose them. They choose you.

So she welcomed him into her home.

But then…

Things started to get weird. She could deal with stuff being moved around.

She wasn’t nuts when things went missing, but did she really need them anyway?

Well, okay, yes, when it came to her house and car keys that was inconvenient. Luckily she had spares.

And the cold spots in the depths of winter that her furnace couldn’t banish. Uncomfortable, but not unbearable.

There were times he was sweet. Like when he’d whisper in her ear as she was falling asleep. She found it comforting.

Sometimes he’d even scream her awake. Sadly, it was usually hours before her alarm was due to go off.

But she tolerated the drafts, the weird smells, the banging and clanging and other noises because she had a good heart and felt she was doing the right thing offering shelter to a homeless ghost.

Until she realized…The paranormal activity grew more sporadic after her best friend flew into town for a visit. She didn’t put the pieces together right away though.

It wasn’t until a few months later when she was FaceTiming w/her BFF & she recognized a pair of earrings that had gone missing.

Oh yeah, that was another unexpected benefit of her ghost. Things disappeared, yes, but sometimes…Things just all of a sudden showed up. Like the earrings. They’d materialized on her dresser one morning. She’d gone to take a shower, returned, and there they were.

But then a few months later, a few weeks AFTER her BFF’s visit…. Pffft. Couldn’t find them anywhere. Until she spotted them dangling from her bestie’s lobes…She instantly knew what had happened. Her ghost had adopted a new person…her best friend!

At first, she was furious. How could he do that? After all they’d been through! All the nights he’d pulled the covers off of her, all of the jump scares, even the uncomfortable feeling of being watched during her most private moments….

She’d tolerated it all.

Truth be told, she was flattered he’d chosen her to follow home.

But now she knew the truth…

The truth is, a lot of people freak out that if they visit a haunted place, a ghost might attach to them.

But if a ghost follows you home, don’t worry.

They clearly aren’t the staying type. They’ll find someone else to move on to. Eventually.

Oh, and there’s one more truth to be told…

If you read all this thinking no way it could be a true story, you thought right!

Happy April Fools’ Day!!!