In “His First Memorial Day in Fort Logan,” I alluded to the fact that my relationship with my dad had grown a bit complicated in the later years. I still loved him very much, but it was hard for me to be around him. Why? Don’t know. That’s something I’mContinue Reading

Selfie filters. Every once in a while I like to mess around with them. Or should I say my inner 13-year-old girl takes over and enjoys messing around with them. The other day I (she) found some fun ones to goof with on Photo Lab. Including a mask and curlersContinue Reading

Those close to me know some of this, but I haven’t been able to publicly announce or write about it until now. My dad, Ralph Eric Mroch, died on October 21, 2017. “Why has it taken you so long to talk about your father’s death?” some might wonder. Perhaps evenContinue Reading

A few years ago I used to run Caption This contests on Haunt Jaunts. The other day I got an email from a man who used to frequently enter…and win. At least in theory. He lived in Australia and never wanted the prizes. He was happy just knowing I gotContinue Reading