Rest in Peace Cory Monteith sign at the memorial outside the Fairmont Pacific Rim i Vancouver

Since I’m really bad about posting things as they happen, I’m combining two in one. In this case, it has something to do with Glee and the release of the new digital horror magazine, Horror Curated, and my connections with both. Glee Were you a Gleek? I’m not sure IContinue Reading

Reverse Culture Shock

Wayne is getting ready to retire, which means we’re thinking about where we want to live next. Abroad somewhere? Here in the U.S.? It’s all dependent on where we can get the most bang for our buck. The U.S. is expensive but familiar. Abroad would be exciting, and cheaper inContinue Reading

Mary with the child rape religions forced her to have

Thanks to the leak, we already knew the Supreme Court would overturn Roe v. Wade. However, it didn’t make it any easier to accept the official announcement when it came out Friday. Like millions of others, I was disappointed. But what else can you expect from misogynistic white supremacist RINOsContinue Reading