Time to say goodbye plaque

The last few weeks I’ve been agitated about something. I knew a certain person didn’t like me. I knew it long before they drew a line in the sand and forced my hand on an issue. By that point, I wasn’t really liking them and their opinionated ways very muchContinue Reading

I wrote a little about my friend Scott in “If Your Obit and/or Headstone Had a Hashtag, What Would It Be?“. Or, I mentioned him at least. The fact that I haven’t been able to write about his death. But it’s been weighing on my mind. I want to acknowledgeContinue Reading

Do you use Facebook rather regularly? If you want to try a humbling and eye-opening experiment, give it up for at least two weeks. Even better, go a month or more if you have the strength. (Which becomes easier if you can make it to the two week mark.) SeeContinue Reading