When HorrorAddicts.net features you as an author, they really go all out! I’m kicking myself that I didn’t think to write here after the great interview I’d had with Naching when her and I talked in advance of my episode’s release. What was I thinking? Clearly, I wasn’t! It’s only asContinue Reading

Good grief, I’m slacking major. On top of taking three weeks to post my good news, I have been meaning to post (and update my Appearances page) with appearances I actually have! Well, I call them “appearances,” because they sort of are. They’re not in-person-have-to-go-out-somewhere appearances, but they’re appearances allContinue Reading

Very excited to report that one of the Shadow People and Cursed Objects authors, Emerian Rich, is also a Horror Hostess at HorrorAddicts.net. She used her connections with a fellow contributor over there to get a review for the SPACO anthology. David Watson posted “David’s Haunted Library: Shadow People andContinue Reading