Scam alert warning sign, A yellow warning sign with text Scam Alert and theft icon on a keyboard

While I’m relieved Joe Biden won, I’m shocked how many people still voted for Trump. Who I will not be referring to as president, because he’s made it perfectly clear he’s not my president. He only represents part of America, specifically Republicans. Not that anything is wrong with that party,Continue Reading

The Government Shutdown. Another controversy. The social media accounts for both my diehard Republican and Democrat friends have been blowing up. Opinions. Shares. Copy & Pastes. (You know the kind. Where some anonymous soul wrote some diatribe and at the end it says, “If you agree, copy & paste andContinue Reading

  Am I Republican or a Democrat? Does it really matter? Do you really even care? I have to be honest. Your party affiliation matters naught to me. I’m more interested in your emotional IQ. What the hell does that have to do with politics? Because if you’re well adjustedContinue Reading