Mary with the child rape religions forced her to have

RINOs, Rape Religions and Abortion Laws

Thanks to the leak, we already knew the Supreme Court would overturn Roe v. Wade. However, it didn’t make it any easier to accept the official announcement when it came out Friday. Like millions of others, I was disappointed. But what else can you expect from misogynistic white supremacist RINOs who subscribe to rape religions and have fought for decades to make sure this day would come?

It’s especially galling that so many of the states with so-called “trigger laws” don’t make exceptions for abortions in cases of rape or incest.

But before I dive into that. “Trigger laws.” Really? Another gun reference from alleged pro-lifers? Guns abort lives, as I’ll use a video from RINO hunter Eric Greitens to demonstrate below.

Okay, back to my new thoughts on why religious folks are so against abortion. I’m aiming straight at the heart of the matter. They want to save lives because let’s face. Jesus may have been aborted if Mary had had the chance.

Rape Religions

Most religions, especially the Catholic and Christian ones, are rape religions. Mary never consented to have sex. She should be the poster girl for the #MeToo movement. In fact, she’s a victim of both rape and incest, since she was impregnated by her Father.

That means Jesus is an incest rape baby. And if she could’ve aborted him, maybe she might’ve.

Which is blasphemy to the max for believers, but not for anyone with a brain who sees what that biblical story was intended to do: put women in their place. Be like Mary. She’s always shown holding her baby lovingly or floating about clouds saintly after his death.

What it all shows is that, to men, women are just vessels for semen. Either to have babies or to dump in (or on, depending on the man’s sexual proclivity) when they want pleasure. They believe women are only here to serve men. Make their babies and care for their husbands.

Not that they’ll ever acknowledge that. But at the end of the day, that’s what it boils down to.

And the Republican party has now been commandeered by folks with this mindset. The party is plagued by the hypocrisy of all these hatriots masquerading as “Republicans.” They like to call all the decent, actual Republicans “RINOs,” but that’s the personification of the pot calling the kettle black.

The Republican party, like the Democrats, has evolved over the years, but Trump really mucked things up when he ran, and won, in 2016. That waved the green flag for the vilest members of society to come out in droves in broad daylight openly spewing their domestic terrorism agendas in the name of one specific party.

Black, immigrants, LGBTQ, women…basically, anyone who’s not white and male is not right for them and it’s open season on their rights. As evidenced by the Supreme Court ruling that invalidates Roe and takes away something that should be a guaranteed right.

Speaking of rights, the irony of Pro-Lifers doesn’t get any crazier than the fact they’re also the biggest gun rights activists. Who are now not only targeting democrats, but also their fellow party members! Literally!

RINO Hunting

Have you seen the ad from Eric Greitens? The disgraced former governor of Missouri is now running for U.S. Senate.

I say disgraced because he resigned as governor after allegations surfaced he’d not only had an extramarital affair, but he’d also sexually assaulted and blackmailed the woman. He also was accused of misusing a charity donation but criminal charges were ultimately dropped. Sort of like his wife did to him when she divorced the MAGA moron.

On June 20 he released a video of himself holding a rifle flanked by men in military clothing while he announced it’s RINO hunting season.

“The RINO feeds on corruption and is marked by the stripes of cowardice. Get a RINO hunting permit. There’s no bagging limit, no tagging limit, and it doesn’t expire until we save our country.”

Facebook and YouTube both removed the ad because of how inflammatory it is. Twitter kept it with this notice: “This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about abusive behavior. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible.”

That ad right there is the embodiment of why all the gun rights activists say they need a weapon. They fear the government coming for them…because that’s exactly what they would do if they were in power.

Abortion Laws

I may not live to see it in my lifetime, but I’m confident one day America will swing back more to the left and protect a woman’s right to choose again. Which, really I don’t want it on one side of the pendulum or the other. I want to see it in the center.

And instead of having a white male-dominated congress and senate, be it on the state or national level, decide on these abortion laws, I’d like to see it put on the ballot for the people to decide. More specifically, for women only to decide. Anyone with a penis doesn’t deserve a voice in the matter. When they start squeezing kids out of their holes, then they can speak up.

Another alternative would be enough people voting to oust the Republican majority from government and passing an amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing women the right to decide about their own bodies.

And, yes, I realize as of this writing that Democrats hold the majority in the congress, and technically with Kamala Harris hold it in the Senate too. But since it takes 60 votes to pass anything in the senate and Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin are DINOs whose votes the Dems can’t depend on and you can only count on Republicans to vote along party lines…well, I don’t see that happening until Democrats have a supermajority. And since Republicans have rigged voting with redistricting, it’s an even bigger longshot we’ll see a Democrat supermajority anytime soon.

Until then, I’m bracing for an even bigger shit show in the coming years as the Republicans continue to flush our democracy down the toilet just like an illegally aborted baby. And I am talking about the hypocritical hatriot RINOs. Not the endangered members of the species.

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